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গ ইউনিট (2009-2010) || ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2009

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a plan followed by actions
a promise with commitment
a blank firing
a promise not followed by actions
a collective effort is needed from the inernational community wo wards combating the effects of global warming
global warming is having an adverse effects on agriculture
global warming is causing droughts in many parts of the earths
The us is responsible for 25% of the global warming
consequences of global warming
cause of global warming
Threats of Drought
Sharp Rise om Temperature
A continued rise in sea levels
Emission of carbon dixide
melting of ice-caps in the polar counineuts
Frequent droughts in many parts of the earth
Agenda : Meeting
Railroad : Transportation
Motif :Symphony
prologue : pay
catch: song
Sequcnce : sonnet
rememberedhad gone
was rememberingwould be going
rememberedwould go
had rememberedwill go